Sunday 14 February 2016


A Durational community dialogue on Love , Crossover and a generation with mixed parenthood
 A work in progress concept note for SENSORIUM 2016, Goa
History of colonialism created a process of meeting of the unknown that often resulting into history of takeovers. In the process it has created a parallel history of crossover, and  co-habitance .It has accentuated the process of migration which has often resulted into complex network of immigration.  Places with memories of colonization and the colonizers of the past centuries stand at the foothold of an irreversible process of regeneration of interracial crossover that is both hybrid and cosmopolitan. The notion of singular national identity will be always contested with the coexistence of new communities that has emerged out of a Crossover Love.
In this context one has also experienced counter cultural projects of the rise of race purification, intolerance towards couples belonging to different religion and often killing of young people to preserve cultural purity and hegemony. In contemporary times the present global economic situation has generated forced migration and a possible collapse of sovereignty of national order. There is a probability that we are moving towards a new world order of a binary between more confined individual racial identity and an overlapped mixed racial community whose second generation has no specific land to identify but a transnational state of locational reality.
Cities with past memories of being a colony or which has evolved out of colonial migration have experienced a long history of Crossover Love. Within India cities that have been under direct impact of colonial takeover like Cochin, Goa, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai have nurtured a long memory of overlap of multiple cultural lifestyle. Mappila community in Kerala emerged out of a crossover Love between the Arab traders and the local women of costal Kerala who has a distinct cultural practice that is neither a muslim nor a typically Hindu .In more modern times in the last century Santiniketan that projected a world view towards culture and lifestyle became the place for people from all over the world come , meet and share .Santiniketan in coarse of time has become the host of people from different culture and a open space for people who believe in humanity and specific cultural,social and geographical boundaries. But often in these cases of overlap there is an influence of the dominant culture or language or lifestyle on the people who have migrated. Crossover Love Club is a proposition to map these neo space of cultural overlap their struggle, survival and resistance  to cultural hegemony of regional identity of race, caste and religion .
  The present project will try to map this emerging social and cultural space in the context of Goa. Goa has a unique history of cultural crossovers and interracial existence. In this respect we will create an online LOVE CLUB through the webpage of “Sensorium 2016” and invite couples/ singles to generate a community for meeting of couples and families that has emerged as a confluence of two different culture/ religion/caste/gender etc. In the process there will be an online community that will emerge prior to the Live interaction in Sunaparanta. As part of the Live interaction a Shamiyana will be designed based on the preexisting historical narratives of interracial/ cultural Love and Marriages in Goa and through the participation of the people of Goa in the three day interactive dialogue and install it in the amphitheater .
A poster for the LOVE CLUB will be uploaded in your webpage , so that interested people who would like to join the meeting sessions to share their stories in the space ,can enlist the names .
There will be seating arrangements that will be made as part of the installation. The whole interactions sessions will be continued for a period of two days. All the evenings of the two days sessions will share interviews of children of interracial marriages and mixed couples . There will be two to four interviewers who will receive the visiting people and write about their experience . These interviewers will be pre rehearsed people who will be dressed as marriage registers. These dialogues will be typed as a live documentation for other viewers to read parallel.

Time duration
12th and 13th Feb, 2016 :4pm to 7pm
 Dialogue/ performance and completion of the shamiyana: two days
14th Feb, 2016: 5pm to 8pm
Installation of the shamiyana and Interactive session and discussions

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